Usawa Kati Ya Mwanaume na Mwanamke

Sehemu ya 3

Kutembea katika Maandiko

Part 1 

Part 2 

Part 3 (This page) 

Part 4 "Dealing with Problems"

21. Paul gives some restrictive instructions to women in 1 Timothy 2. 

>Paulo hatoa maagizo kadhaa ya vizuizi kwa wanawake katika 1 Watimotheo 2.

In verses 4-6 he shows that the basis or foundation of his ministry is in Jesus, in God. Then he goes on:

>Katika aya 4 - 6 anaonyesha kuwa msingi au mwazo  wa huduma yake uko kwa Yesu, kwa Mungu. Halafu anaendelea:

“I was appointed…” v7  >"Niliteuliwa…" mst7

“I am speaking…” v7  >"Nitaongea…"mst 7

“I do not falsify…” v7  >" Sisemi uongo…" mst 7

“I desire therefore…that men should...” v8 

>"Natamani kwa hivyo…kwamba wanaume wanapaswa…"mst 8

“Also that women should…”. V9  >"Pia wanawake wanapaswa…" mst 9

In these verses the repetition of the personal pronoun “I” strongly suggests that this teaching comes from Paul rather than God. Paul's idea of the role of women is also quite far from God's idea that they are equal in authority and blessing. It gets worse.

>Katika aya hizi kurudiwa kwa matamshi ya kibinafsi "mimi" kunaonyesha sana kwamba mafundisho haya yanatoka kwa Paulo badala ya Mungu.  Wazo la Paulo juu ya jukumu la wanawake pia ni mbali na wazo la Mungu kwamba wao ni sawa katika mamlaka na baraka. Inazidi kuwa mbaya.

“Let a woman learn in quietness, in entire submissiveness.” v11

>"Acha mwanamke ajifunze kwa utulivu, kwa unyenyekevu wote. "Mst 11

“I allow no woman to teach or to have authority over men; she is to remain in quietness and keep silent.” v12

>"Simruhusu mwanamke kufundisha au kuwa na mamlaka juu ya wanaume; yeye ni kukaa katika utulivu na kukaa kimya. " mst 12

Again this looks like Paul's ideas, not God's, except for one thing: woman is not meant to have authority over man. This is completely true. At Creation Adam and Eve were given authority over everything on the earth, in the sea and in the air, but not over each other.

>Tena hii inaonekana kama maoni ya Paulo, sio ya Mungu, isipokuwa kwa jambo moja:wanawake hawakukusudiwa kuwa na mamlaka juu ya wanaume. Hii ni kweli kabisa. Katika Uumbaji Adamu na Hawa walipewa mamlaka juu ya kila kitu duniani, baharini na hewani, lakini sio juu ya kila mmoja. 

That also means that man is not meant to have authority over woman

>Hiyo inamaanisha pia kuwa mwanaume sii maana ya kuwa na mamlaka juu ya mwanamke.

22. But what about 1 Corinthians 7:4, where Paul seems to say that a woman does not have authority over her own body?  

>Lakini vipi kuhusu 1 Wakorintho 7:4, ambapo Paulo ni kama  anasema kwamba mwanamke hana mamlaka juu ya mwili wake mwenyewe?

The first part of this verse has been used to say that a man has a right to have sex, even when his wife does not wish to. Does it really say that, is that what God intends?  

>Sehemu ya kwanza ya aya hii imetumika kusema kwamba mwanaume ana haki yakufanya ngono, hata kama mke wake hataki. Je, kweli inasema hivyo, ndivyo Mungu anavyokusudia?

"For the wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband; likewise, also the husband does not have authority over his body, but the wife." v4  > "Kwa maana mke hana amri juu ya mwili wake, bali mumewe, vivyo hivyo mume hana amri juu ya mwili wake, bali mkewe." v4

Authority is the ability to start or stop something by using a command, instruction, statement, comment, glance, gesture or even, in some situations, just by being present somewhere. Authority never uses force or threats. >Mamlaka ni uwezo wa kuanzisha au kusimamisha kitu kwa kutumia amri, maagizo, kauli, maoni, mtazamo, ishara au hata, katika hali fulani, kwa kuwepo tu mahali fulani. Mamlaka kamwe haitumii nguvu au vitisho

In this case it means that if the husband indicates through words or actions that he wants to have sex with his wife, since she has authority over his body she is entitled to say to his body, "No, not today," or “No, not now," or whatever. It really is that simple. 

>Katika hali hii ina maana kwamba ikiwa mume anaonyesha kwa maneno au vitendo kwamba anataka kufanya ngono na mke wake, kwa vile mwanamke ana mamlaka juu ya mwili wake, ana haki ya kuuambia mwili wake, "Hapana, si leo," au "Hapana, si sasa," au chochote kile. Ni rahisi hivyo.

In verse 6 Paul states that this is not meant to be a command, but a concession. To concede means to yield something from a position of strength to someone who is weaker. In other words, the stronger person gives in to the weaker

>Katika mstari wa 6 Paulo anaeleza kwamba hii haimaanishi kuwa amri,bali ni makubaliano. Kukubali maana yake ni kutoa kitu kutoka kwa nafasi ya nguvu hadi kwa mtu ambaye ni dhaifu zaidi. Kwa maneno mengine, mtu mwenye nguvu zaidi hujitolea kwa dhaifu zaidi.

23. Some of Paul's instructions were based on his own, faulty or incomplete understanding of scripture. Why did he place these restrictions on women? 

>Baadhi ya maagizo  Paulo yalitokana na ufahamu wake mbaya au kutoelewa maandiko kiukamilifu. Kwanini aliweka vizuizi hivi kwa wanawake?

Here is one of Paul's wrong ideas:

>Hapa kuna moja ya maoni mabaya ya Paulo:

“For Adam was first formed, then Eve.” v13

>"Kwa Adamu aliumbwa kwanza, kisha Hawa. "Mst 13

Not so. The first human was a composite containing both male and female components, in the full image and likeness of God, where Holy Spirit contains elements we normally associate with woman - helper, comforter, teacher. (Genesis 1:26.)

>Sio hivyo. Mwanadamu wa kwanza alikuwa na mchanganyiko ulio na sehemu za kiume na za kike, kwa sura kamili na mfano wa Mungu, ambapo Roho Mtakatifu ana tabia ambayo kawaida tunashirikiana na mwanamke - msaidizi, mfariji, mwalimu. (Mwanzo 1:26)

Once woman was taken out of the first human creature God created (Genesis 2:21-23) neither of them were in the full image and likeness of God like the first human was.

>Mara tu mwanamke alipoondolewa katika kiumbe wa kwanza wa mwanadamu Mungu alioumba (Mwanzo 2:21 - 23) hakuna hata mmoja wao aliye katika sura kamili na mfano wa Mungu kama mwanadamu wa kwanza2.

Eve was taken to the man once she was completed. We don't know whether he was awake while she was being formed or not, but from verse 21 we know that God closed up Adam's side before He completed Eve.

>Hawa alipelekwa kwa mtu huyo mara tu atakapokuwa amekamilika. Hatujui kama alikuwa macho wakati alikuwa akiundwa au la, lakini Kutoka mst 21 tunajua kuwa Mungu alifunga upande wa Adamu kabla ya kumkamilisha Hawa. 

Eve wasn't an afterthought, she was a part of God's plan all along.

>Hawa hakuwa fikra ya baadaye, alikuwa sehemu ya mpango wa Mungu wakati wote.

24. Here is another of Paul's wrong ideas: 

>Hapa kuna maoni mengine mabaya ya Paulo: 

“And it was not man who was deceived, but woman who was deceived and fell into transgression.” 1 Timothy 2:14

>"Na haikuwa mwanaume aliyedanganywa, mwanamke ndiye ambaye alidanganywa na kuanguka katika makosa. " mst 14

Not so. If it was not Adam with her during the temptation, who was it? He allowed the temptation to take place and he participated in it. He listened to the voice of his wife talking to the enemy, and did nothing about it.  He was doubly tricked on his own, not by Eve, because when she tried it and nothing bad happened, he went ahead also.

>Sio hivyo.  Ikiwa haikuwa Adamu pamoja naye wakati wa majaribu, ilikuwa ni nani?Aliruhusu jaribu hilo lifanyike na alishiriki ndani yake. Alidanganywa mara mbili pekee yake, sio na Hawa, kwa sababu alipojaribiwa Hawa na hakuna kitu kibaya kilichomtokea aliendelea pia. 

25. Even though God knew the sequence of events He called to the man first, because he was primarily responsible for overseeing everything.

>Hata ingawa Mungu alijua mlolongo wa matukio Alimwita mtu wakwanza, kwa sababu alikuwa na jukumu la kusimamia kila kitu. 

The key point in all of this is that nothing bad happened until Adam took and ate. That makes him doubly responsible. That makes Paul's argument for the ongoing repression of women wrong, because it is based on faulty observation.

>Jambo la msingi katika haya yote ni kwamba hakuna kitu kibaya kilichotokea hadi Adamu alipochukua na kula. Hiyo inamfanya kuwajibika mara mbili. Hiyo inafanya hoja ya Paulo kwa ukandamizaji unaoendelea wa wanawake kuwa mbaya, kwa sababu ni msingi wa uchunguzi mbaya. 

26. The church was meant to free women from the imbalance imposed on them by unredeemed man over the first four thousand years. 

>Kanisa hilo lilikusudiwa kuwaachilia wanawake kutoka kwa usawa uliowekwa kwao na mtu ambaye hajatambuliwa kwa miaka elfu nne ya kwanza. 

It was this same Paul who wrote in Galatians:

>llikuwa ni yule Paulo aliyeandika huko Wagalatia:

“For freedom we have been set free - do not again submit to a yoke of bondage.” v5:1

>"Kwa uhuru tumewekwa huru  - usiwasilishe tena kwa nira ya utumwa mst 5:1

Was it only men who were set free, or women also?

>Je?ilikuwa wanaume pekee walikuwa huru au wanawake pia?

27. In Ephesians 5 Paul paints a beautiful picture of the way marriage is meant to work. 

>Katika Waefeso 5 Paulo anapaka rangi kama picha nzuri ya jinsi ndoa inavyokusudiwa kufanya kazi. 

Let's go to the last verse, a summary.

>Wacha tuende kwenye aya, muhtasari. 

“However, let each man of you love his wife as himself; and let the wife see that she respects her husband.” v33

>"Walakini, kila mtu wako ampende mkewe kama yeye; na mkewe aone kuwa anamheshimu mumewe.mst 33

As Emerson Eggerichs points out in “Love And Respect," by nature - that is, under the old nature fostered by the enemy - men respect their wives but don't practice the sort of self-sacrificing love asked for by God, through Paul. In the same way women, who generally perform many acts of love for their men, frequently don't give them the respect that they thrive on. This verse is meant to correct that.

>Kama Emerson Eggerichs anavyoonyesha katika " Upendo na Heshima " kwa maumbile  - ambayo ni, chini ya asili ya zamani iliyokuzwa na adui  - wanaume huwaheshimu wake zao lakini hawafanyi mazoezi ya aina ya ubinafsi  - kutoa upendo ulioulizwa na Mungu, ingawa Paulo  kwa njia hiyo wanawake ambo kwa ujumla hufanya vitendo vingi vya upendo kwawanaume wao, mara nyingi huwa hawawapi heshima ambayo wanastahili.  Aya hii inamaanisha kusahihisha hiyo. 

In Ephesians 5:33 there is no suggestion of lordship of one party over the other.

>Katika Waefeso 5:33 hakuna maoni ya ukuu wa chama kimoja juu ya kingine. 

28. In Ephesians 5:25-30 Paul paints a special picture of the love that a man should have for his wife by comparing this with the love Jesus has for us (the church). 

>Katika Waefeso 5:25-30 Paulo anapaka picha maalum ya upendo ambao mwanaume anapaswa kuwa nao kwa mke wake kwa kulinganisha hii na upendo ambao Yesu anayo kwa sisi (kanisa).

“Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her,” v25

Waume, wapende wake zenu, kama Kristo Naye alivyolipenda kanisa  akajitoa kwa ajili yake," mst 25

In other words, husbands are meant to give themselves up for their wives. Do you know any husbands who do this?

Kwa  lugha ingine, waume wanapaswa kujitolea kwa wake zao. Je! Unajua mwanaume yoyote anayefanya hivyo?

“...that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word,” v26

"...kwamba anaweza kumtakasa, baada ya kumsafisha kwa kuosha maji Katika neno," mst 26

Sanctify means to set something apart. Our wives are to be set apart (regarded) as being clean before God.

>Utakazo unamaanisha kuweka kitu wakufu. Wake zetu wanapaswa kuwekwa wakufu (kama walivyoamuliwa) kuwa safi mbele za Mungu 

“ that he might present the church to Himself in splendour, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish.” v27

>"...lli aweze kuwasilisha kanisa kwa Yeye mwenyewe kwa utukufu, bila doa au kasoro ya kitu chochote kama hicho, ili aweze kuwa mtakatifu na bila lawama. Mst 27

In other words, Jesus treats the church (that's us) as if it has no flaw, not even a tiny problem. Jesus doesn't yell at us, or beat us, or give us jobs outside of our specification. He does not complain to God about us. He does not treat us as if we are doing the wrong thing - nor should we treat our wife like that.

>Kwa manenomengine, Yesu anashughulikia kanisa (hiyo ni sisi) kana kwamba haina dosari, hata shida ndogo. Yesu hajatupugia kelele, au kutupiga, au atupe kazi nje ya maelezo yetu. Yeye hamlaani Mungu juu yetu. Yeye hajatutendea kana kwamba tunafanya jambo lisilofaa wala hatupaswi kumtendea mke wetu kama hivyo. 

“In the same way husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ does the church, because we are members of his body.” v28-29

>Kwa njia hio hio waume wanapaswa kupenda wake zao kama miili yao. Yeye anayempenda mkewe anajipenda mwenyewe. Kwa maana hakuna mtu aliyewahi kuchukia mwili wake mwenyewe, lakini analisha na kuithamini, kama vile Kristo hufanya kanisa, kwa sababu sisi ni washiriki wa mwili wake. Mst 28 - 29

A godly husband will look after his wife and care for her like he cares for himself. He will love her as if he is loving himself.

>Mume wa kiungu atamtunza mkewe na kumtunza kama anavyojijali. Atampenda kana kwamba anajipenda. 

29. Verse 23 talks about headship. Instead of looking at Paul's example of headship people seem to just assume that it means control or final say. 

>Mstari wa 23 unazungumza juu ya kichwa. Badala ya kuangalia mfano wa Paulo wa vichwa vya watu wanaonekana kudhani tu kuwa inamaanisha kudhibiti au kusema mwisho. 

“The husband is head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church.” v23

>"Mume ni kichwa ya mke kama Kristo ndiye kichwa cha kanisa. "Mst 23

How does Jesus head up the church?

>Je! Yesu anaongozaje kanisa?

Does He rule over it with firmness, or an iron fist, with punishment for those who don't listen or don't follow His plans?

>Je! Anatawala juu yake kwa uimara, ngumi na kuwaadhibu wale hawaskii  au kufwata mipango zake?

No, of course not. As the head He has given us everything we need to know, as the head He has given us all the tools we need to get the job done. As the head Jesus asked us to get the job done as we see fit.

>La sivyo. Kama kiongozi ametupea kila kitu inafaa tujue, na pia kama kiongozi ametupa vifaa vyote tunavyohitaji ili tuweze kufanya kazi tulifaa tufanye.Kama kiongozi Yesu anataka tufanye kazi sambamba na matarajio. 

Headship equates to leadership. My head, my brain does not order my body parts around but normally provides a safe, healthy and harmonious place for my body parts to rest and work in.

>Ukuu ni sawa na uongozi. Kichwa changu, akili changu haiamrishi  viungo vya mwili bali hutoa mahali salama, enye afya and patulivu penye inaeza fanya kazi na kupumzika. 

30. What about “ As the church is subject to Christ, so let wives also be subject in everything to their husbands?” 

>Vipi kuhusu " kama vile kanisa linavyomtii Kristo, vivyo hivyo wake na wawatii waume zao katika kila jambo?"

(See verse 24).  >(Ona mstari wa 24)

In the Old Covenant the king controlled his subjects. Under the New Covenant the King gives all of us equal status with Him: “You are all sons (and daughters) of God through (your) faith.” Galatians 3:26

>Katika Agano la Kale mfalme aliwatawala raia zake.Chini ya Agano Jipya mfalme anatupa sisi sote hadhi sawa naye: " Nyinyi nyote ni wana ( na binti) wa Mungu kwa imani (yako)

Once again this is not a question of rule or dominance, but a statement of leadership direction. A husband and wife should function as a team. That requires commitment and restraint from both parties. That means that a wife will not submit herself to the leadership and guidance of a pastor or fellowship group leader, rather than her husband. This means that a husband will not attempt to rule over his wife.

>Kwa mara nyingine hii sio swali la kutawala au kukaa kwa muda, lakini taarifa ya mwelekeo wa uongozi. Mume na mke wanapaswa kufanya kazi kama timu. Hiyo inahitaji kujitolea na kujizuia kutoka kwa pande zote. Hiyo inamaanisha kuwamke hatajisalimisha kwa uongozi na uongozi wa mchungaji au kiongozi wa kikundi cha usharuka, badala ya mumewe. 

31. The biggest mistake that people make is separating and excluding verse 21 from verse 22 and the rest of this section. 

>Kosa kubwa ambalo watu hufanya ni kujitenga na kutenga aya ya 21 Kutoka aya ya 22 na sehemu hii yote.

In the many times that I have heard preachers in the West expound on this topic I have only ever heard them start with verse 22:

> Katika mara nyingi ambayo nimesikia wahubiri huko Magharibi wakieleza kiundani zaidi  juu ya mada hii nimewahi kuskia tu wakianza na aya ya 22.

“Wives, be subject to your own husbands as to the Lord.”

>"Wake, wawe chini ya waume wako mwenyewe kwa Bwana."

The addition of the word “own,” which is in many of the original manuscripts, changes the meaning of the sentence, just as it does when Peter uses the same words in his own treatment of this subject.

>Kuongezewa kwa neno "Mmiliki " ambalo liko katika maandishi mengi ya asili, hubadilisha maana ya sentensi, kama inavyofanya wakati Petro hutumia maneno yale yale katika matibabu yake mwenyewe ya somo hili. 

The overwhelming message that was brought forth in any of these messages was this: “Wives, you are under the control of your husbands and they are the final authority in your household and your life.”

>Ujumbe mkubwa ambao uliletwa katika ujumbe wowote huu ulikuwa hii: "Wake, uko chini ya usimamizi wa waume wako na ndio mamlaka ya mwisho katika kaya yako na maisha yako. "

The problem with that idea is that it is out of touch with the rest of scripture and verse 21.

>Shida ni wazo hilo ni kwamba haijawasiliana na maandiko mengine yote na mstari wa 21

In talking about the New Covenant that was to come Jeremiah said this as if God was talking:

>Kwa kuzungumza  juu ya Agano Jipya ambalo lingekuja Yeremia alisema hivi kana kwamba Mungu alikuwa akizungumza:

“I will put My law within them, and on their hearts will I write it. And they shall no more teach each man his neighbour and each man his brother, saying, Know the Lord; for they shall all know Me.” Jeremiah 31:33-34

>"Nitaweka sheria yangu ndani yao, na mioyoni mwao nitaiandika. Wala hawatamfundisha mtu jirani yake na kila mtu ndugu yake, akisema, Mjue Bwana; kwa maana wote watanijua Yeremia 31:33 - 34

Under the New Covenant sealed in Jesus' blood, each one of us has a direct connection with each member of the Godhead - no one needs to intercede or reach out on our behalf. No one is meant to act as a priest on our behalf to "present" us before the Lord as under the Old Covenant.

>Chini ya Agano Jipya lilikuwa muhuri katika damu ya Yesu, kila mmoja wetu ana uhusiano wa moja kwa moja na kila mwanachama wa Uungu  - hakuna mtu anayehitaji kuhojiana au kila mmoja kwa niaba yetu. Hakuna mtu anayekusudiwa kutenda kama kuhani kwa niaba ya "kuwasilisha " sisi mbele za Bwana kama chini ya Agano la Kale. 

We need Ephesians 5:21, which begins this new section of teaching, to put verse 22 and the verses which follow into context.

>Tunahitaji Waefeso 5:21, ambayo huanza sehemu hii mpya ya mafundisho, kuweka aya ya 22 na aya zinazofuata katika muktadha. 

32. CONNECTION: “Be subject to one another out of reverence for Christ.” v21

>MAHUSIANO: "Uwe chini ya heshima kwa Kristo. Mst 21

That means husbands to wives, wives to husbands.

>Hii inamaanisha waume kwa wake kwa waume

Neither submission nor subjection are meant to give control to the other person. Submission and subjection give permission.

>Wala uwasiloshaji au utii sio maana ya kutoa udhibiti kwa mtu mwingine. Uwasilishaji na utii hutoa ruhusa. 

Here are those two verses together, as they were always, like husband and wife, meant to be:

>Hapa kuna mistari hizo mbili pamoja, kama ilivyokuwa kila wakati, kama mume na mke, ilimaanisha kuwa:

"Be subject to one another out of reverence for Christ." v21

>"Uwe chini ya kumbukumbu ya Kristo. "Mst 21

"Wives, be subject to your own husbands as to the Lord." v22 (Emphasis added)

>"Wake, uwe chini ya mume wako mwenyewe kama Bwana. " mst 22

(Mkazo umeongezwa)

The fact that many Bibles place these two complementary verses in completely separate sections (which does not occur in the original documents) suggests that men are translating according to their existing biases, to fit their existing world view or doctrines, rather than according to the original subject matter before them.

>Ukweli kwamba Bibilia nyingi huweka aya hizi mbili za ziada katika sehemu tofauti kabisa (ambazo hazitokei katika hati za asili) zinaonyesha kuwa wanaume wanatafsiri kulingana na upendeleo wao uliopo, kutoshea maoni yao ya ulimwengu yaliyopo juu ya mafundisho, badala ya kulingana na jambo la asili la somo mbele yao.

Kiswahili translation - Benson Ayiti

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Part 4 "Dealing with Problems"

Extra Material Below: how some Bibles lay out this important section

Typical layout for an original document

Note that an original manuscript would be just in Classical Greek, without an English translation underneath. Note also that the letters are all in capitals and run together with no spaces between words, no sentences or paragraphs, and with no punctuation, either. This is The Concordant Literal New Testament in interlinear form - their standard translation is much easier to follow!

Typical Bible layout for centuries

This is a screenshot from The Amplified Bible, which sets every verse on its own. Early versions of TAB (before 1987) are wonderful tools because they generally retain the layout of figures of speech in the original form they were written in. For more information on the importance and use of figures of speech, see E W Bullinger's "The Companion Bible"

Rare Bible with correctly placed subject heading

Very few Bibles with subject headings get it right in this important section of Ephesians 5. Here is the way the New Living Translation handles it: correctly, of course! I was given this Bible recently and opened it for the first time really just to check this section. What a pleasant surprise. Sadly, they missed the word "own".

All-too-common incorrect placement of subject heading

No original source documents have subject headings, and to put one in the wrong place, splitting up a continuing theme around submission, is careless at the very least, and possibly something else as well. At least they included the frequently-omitted word, "own".

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